6 remote (work from home) SEO-related jobs for autistic adults - this quiz will help you choose.

The 32 remote jobs for autistic people quiz has helped many autistics and Aspergers adults to learn what kind of work from home jobs are a good fit for them.

Spectroomz has recently focused around SEO (Search Engine Optimization = getting sites ranked high on Google), an $80 Billion industry. Anyone can take the SEO training and join.

There are different SEO roles a freelancer can do from home, and in order to help people with autism understand whatโ€™s the best role for them, we have prepared a quiz.

Choosing the best remote job for you - the quiz

There are 6 roles below and a quiz that will help you choose which one is most relevant to you.

The tool doesnโ€™t take into account your interest and qualifications (our SEO course/training can help with that). It focuses on the nature of work. If you have special qualifications, make sure to take it into account

How it works

  1. Answer 4 questions below and get the score;

  2. Check below the list of roles based on your score;

  3. Optional: submit your details to become a freelancer on Spectroomz.

Step 1 - The autistic SEO remote job quiz

powered by Typeform

Step 2 - Check to which category you belong and choose the right job for you

Group A (score is under or equal to 5.5):

  1. SEO writer - if you have writing skills, being an SEO writer is in the heart of the SEO process. It means writing content and using the right keywords that will help companies to rank high on Google.

  2. Ongoing content optimizations - There is an ongoing process of optimizing content even after it was officially posted (changing the titles, adding keywords and much more). This is a very analytical role.

Group B (score 5.6-8):

  1. Keyword research - Keyword research is the process of making a list of keywords and phrases your potential clients are searching for, and based on that list, generating the content that will drive them to your site. This is an analytical role (and super interesting).

  2. Technical SEO - If you have a technical orientation (not necessarily a coder) this might be for you. An example for a task under this role would be to plan the URL structure of a website.

Group C (score 8-10):

  1. Backlink building - getting other sites to link to your site is part of the SEO process. This requires marketing orientation.

  2. Email finder - part of the backlink building process is to find emails of other websites owners. Itโ€™s a repetitive work.


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