HelloSign vs DocuSign 2020 Comparison - Features, Pricing.

By: Arik Marmorstein, Spectroomz founder

Spectroomz lets you and your team hire an online researcher so you can both focus on where your skills are most impactful AND get data-driven decisions.

Following my list of DocuSign alternatives, this a detailed comparison of the two popular electronic signature software companies, HelloSign and DocuSign.

TL;DR  - which e-signature is better for your business

Overall, HelloSign and DocuSign are similar in terms of features and pricing if you don’t intend to use the API (HelloSign has better pricing for the advanced monthly plan, but if you go yearly they are identical). However, if you are looking for more customer support channels, better product globalisation (more language options), give signers the ability to comment on specific sections in the documents or collect payments and get documents signed in one step, then DocuSign is a better option for you. If you intend to use the API, then HelloSign pricing is much more appealing, with US$ 0.80 - $1 per signature request vs $4-$7 per signature with DocuSign.

Feature Comparison

  • Team Management tools - Apply to both

    1. Templates - Apply to both

    2. Custom Branding (logo to docs and emails) - Apply to both

    3. API - Yes for both

    4. Flexible Workflows (signing in a specific order) - Apply to both

    5. In-person signing - Apply to both

    6. Support - DocuSign has more support channels, HelloDign only email.

    7. Google integrations (Google Drive, Google Docs etc.) - Apply to both

    8. Other integrations :

      • DocuSign: Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, SAP, Apple, Intelledox, Seal, Workday

      • HelloSign: Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Salesforce, Oracle, Slack, Hubspot,

    9. Zapier integrations - Apply to both

    10. Notifications (doc engagement) - Apply to both

    11. Audit trail - only HelloSign

    12. Security (Two-factor authentication) - Apply to both

    13. eSign act compliant - Apply to both

    14. File formats - You can add Word, PDF and multiple other file types to Both DocuSign and HelloSign

    15. HIPPA - Apply to both

    16. Mobile apps (Android and iPhone)- Apply to both

    17. Languages - DocuSign is significantly more global.

    18. Signer Attachment - Apply to both

    19. Comment on docs - more advanced options with DocuSign

    20. Collect payments - You can collect payments with DocuSign, not with HelloSign (you can send payment requests using Zapier with HelloSign).

Pricing Comparison

DocuSign Pricing

Monthly - $15, $40 or $60 (per user) plans 

Yearly - $10, $25, $40 plans

API - in the advanced plan you’d pay US$ 4.8 (annual) or $7.2 per API signature for up to 100 signatures/month.

HelloSign Pricing

  • Monthly - $15 or $50. 

  • Yearly - $13 or $40, 

  • API (monthly) - in the advanced plan you’d pay US$ 0.8 (annual) or $1 per API signature for up to 450 signatures/month.

Bottom Line

Both solutions are similar in features and non-API-pricing (although DocuSign is a bit more feature-rich). However, if you intend to use the API for the common reasons (embedding the form in your website is the most common one), then HelloSign has significantly better pricing. When you look at DocuSign and HelloSign reviews they are also very similar on the different review platforms.  But when looking at those who gave the maximum score to both, 22% were enterprises and 78% small and medium businesses with regards to DocuSign, while only 9% were enterprises and 91% small and medium businesses with regards to HelloSign. This might suggest that if you are a small business, you should go with HelloSign, and if you are an enterprise, then DocuSign is probably better for you (but remember the API pricing, which is better with HelloSign).

Compare more signature solutions like SignNow, Pandadoc, Adobe sign, and more

Additional recommended review for businesses:

ConvertKit is a great email marketing tool (I use it) because it enables you to segment your audience based on many different factors and contact each segment with tailored messaging:

  1. Those who purchased from you (you can even segment by the amount of purchase in many cases).

  2. Those who engage with your content (open and/or click)

  3. Those who don’t engage with your content

  4. Many more

Learn more in my ConvertKit review

Fair disclosure - if you sign up with Convertkit through my review, you support Spectroomz. However, the review is not affected at all by that (there are improvements offers + alternatives too).